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Inspection Types

Most inspections are scheduled through To schedule an inspection for Grading Permit (GRA) or Facility Extension Agreement (FAC) contact the inspector assigned to your project directly.


All permits:

Combined Inspections: Builders are encouraged to combine framing, mechanical and plumbing inspections into a single inspection request whenever possible.

Final Inspections: All permits require a final inspection. Note that a building final inspection will include sub permits such as plumbing or mechanical. There is no need to request final inspections for each permit type.

Building permits (residential):
  • Footings-After forms are complete and any required reinforcement is in place.
  • Foundation-After forms are complete and any required reinforcement is in place.
  • Foundation-Drains Exterior foundation drains and rainwater drains after installation and bedding.
  • Water Service-Underground main water line between the building and the water meter.
  • Underground Gas Pipe-After all underground fuel gas piping is completed, on test and before covering.
  • Underground Plumbing-If applicable - after pipe is bedded and before covering.
  • Underground Ducts-If applicable - after ductwork is bedded and before covering.
  • Under floor-For wood floor systems - joists, posts, beams and connectors in place but prior to installation of floor sheathing.
  • For concrete slabs-Sub-slab insulation plumbing and ductwork to be in place.
  • Exterior Sheathing-After all fasteners and exterior connectors are in place but prior to covering wall or roof sheathing.
  • Exterior Insulating-EIFS to be certified by the product manufacturer as having been installed
  • Finish Systems (EIFS) in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
  • Rough Plumbing-After all piping is complete and on test.
  • Rough Gas Pipe-After all fuel gas piping is completed and on test.
  • Rough Mechanical-After all ductwork, vents and fixed equipment is in place.
  • Rough Fire Sprinklers-If required, rough sprinkler piping after complete and on test.
  • Rough Electrical-After all concealed wiring is in place including low voltage.
  • Framing-Building must be "in the dry" with all rough installations complete and ready for wall insulation.
  • Wall Insulation-When all wall cavities are filled and ready for interior wall covering.
  • Gypsum Wallboard Inspection is only required when part of a fire resistive system or when used in a lateral force resisting system (shear wall).
  • Final Inspection-The building and associated systems are complete and ready to occupy.
  • Required site improvements, landscaping and finish grade are complete.
  • Occupancy of new structures or new tenant spaces is prohibited prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Building permits (commercial/industrial):

In addition to all applicable inspections noted above the following inspections may be required for commercial and industrial buildings.

  • Fire sprinklers U/G-Below ground fire sprinkler piping when complete with supports are in place.
  • Fire Sprinklers A/G-Above ground rough sprinkler piping when installation is complete and on test.
  • Fire Alarm Systems-After the installer has performed a confidence test and is ready for an acceptance test.
  • Pilings-Driven, cast in place pilings, usually during installation.
  • Column Base Grout-Verification that the space between steel columns and their supporting foundation has been filled with appropriate materials.
  • Slender Walls (Tilt-Up)-Forming, reinforcement and imbeds of slender wall concrete construction.
  • Masonry-Grout-Structural masonry before each grout pour.
  • Structural Concrete Slab-After forms and reinforcement are in place but prior to placement of concrete.
  • Suspended Ceilings-Supporting system is complete, mechanical and lighting systems are in place and prior to installation of ceiling finish materials.
  • Rack Storage-Storage racks exceeding eight feet in height after all racks are complete but prior to placement of commodities in the racks.
Electric permits:

Contact the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Tacoma location at 253-596-3800 or the Tukwila location at 206-835-1000.

Fire code permits:
  • Commercial Hood-Type I commercial hood systems (grease hoods)
  • Fire Sprinklers A/G-Above ground fire suppression sprinklers when required by Fire Code provisions.
  • Fire Alarm Systems-After the installer has performed a confidence test and is ready for an acceptance test.
  • Fuel Storage Tank-When the tank is in place but in the case of underground tanks, before the tank is covered.
  • Spray Booth-When the booth is complete but before spray operations for booths for the application of flammable finishes.
Mechanical permits:
  • Duct Insulation-For required insulation prior to concealment within the construction.
  • Hood & Duct I-Commercial type I hood & duct system prior to concealment of any portion of the system.
  • Hood & Duct II-Commercial type II hood & duct system prior to concealment of any portion of the system.
  • Refrigeration Pipe-Piping containing refrigerants while pressure test is applied to piping.
  • Rough Gas Pipe-After all fuel gas piping is completed and on test.
  • Rough Mechanical-After all ductwork, vents and fixed equipment is in place.
  • Underground Gas Pipe-After all underground fuel gas piping is completed, on test and before covering portion of the system.
Plumbing permits:
  • Backflow Test-Applicable to cross connection control devices after installation.
  • Rough Medical Gas-Acceptance of medical gas piping prior to concealment of any portion.
  • Rough Medical Vacuum-Acceptance of medical vacuum piping prior to concealment of any portion.
  • Rough Plumbing-When water and drainage systems are complete and on test but prior to concealment of any portion of piping.
  • Underground Plumbing-When underground water and drainage systems are complete and on
  • Water Service-Underground main water line between the building and the water meter.