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Frequently Asked Questions

The Community Development Department frequently asked questions (FAQ) includes a list of commonly asked questions and requested information. This FAQ is organized into three categories:


Do I need a permit?
If you’re unsure if a permit would be needed for your project, call before you build.  If your project requires a permit you can contact permitting staff by email, [email protected], or phone, 253-931-3090. Permitting requirements depend on your project.  If you’re building an unattached, accessory structure under 200 sq. ft. you likely will not need a permit.  The building will still be required to meet property line setbacks, however.  If a deck’s base is over 30” high over existing grade or any structure is connected to another building, then you will still need a building permit regardless of the size of the structure.  All structures will still need to meet your property’s zoning setback requirements.  Setbacks depend on your property’s zoning.
Do I need a permit to build a fence?
The City’s fence standard are contained in City Code: Auburn City Code 18.31.020. If your fence is over 6 feet please contact the [email protected] with your address and/or parcel number.   Don’t know the parcel number? Use King County Parcel Viewer or Pierce County Public Mapping System
Do I need a sign permit?
The Planning Services department can help you determine whether a sign permit is required. To get started contact Planning Services at [email protected] with the parcel number. Don’t know the parcel number? Use King County Parcel Viewer or Pierce County Public Mapping System.
Do I need a permit to trim or cut down a tree in my yard?
Please reference the City’s tree maintenance and removal web page
Where can I put my HVAC system?
A zoning code interpretation (City File No. MIS16-0009) was issued on April 1, 2016 stating that all HVAC systems installed on residential properties (after April 15, 2016) must meet all zoning setbacks for the zoning district in which the property is located. You can check you zoning district on the City’s public mapping system or contact Planning Services at [email protected]
How do I get a permit?
Please visit the City’s Permit, Licenses, & Inspections web page for more information. Many applications are now accepted through
How do I pay for my permit?
When applying for permits online through you will be able to pay for your permit online directly via credit card. You may also pay by check via mail by sending along with a permit/license number reference to:

Attention: Permit Center
City of Auburn
25 West Main St
Auburn, WA 98001
May I start work before my permit is issued?

Generally, no.  The International Codes and City Codes pertaining to permitting require any permits to be issued and in-hand prior to work being conducted at a property.  Emergency repairs for leaks are ok to complete, as long as a permit is applied for an obtained prior to covering the work area.

You may need a permit if your project includes:

  • Building Construction
  • Building Alterations or Repairs
  • Building Demolition
  • Changing the Use of a Building
  • Electrical Work (Administered by WA L&I)
  • Excavation or Fill
  • Fire Systems
  • Foundation Repair or Replacement
  • Furnace, Hot Water or Gas Appliance
  • Manufactured Home Installation  (Administered by WA L&I)
  • Plumbing
  • Reroofing
  • Siding Repair or Replacement
  • Sign Installation
  • Temporary Power
  • Temporary Signs and Banners
  • Window Replacement
  • Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts
  • Work in the City Right of Way (link to proper contact)
  • Yard Sprinkler Systems
  • Utility Work (Sewer, Water, Stormwater)
How much will my permit cost?
Permit cost is dependent on the scope of work. Reference the current  fee schedule on the City’s Forms web page and/or contact [email protected] with further questions.
How long will my permit take?
The City of Auburn’s current review timeframe is about 2-3 weeks.  Please keep in mind this does not include resubmittals.  When document revision or additional information is required for permit approval, your resubmittal documents will be routed out for an additional 2 week review.  If you have further questions regarding our review process, please feel free to email the Permit Center at [email protected]
Can I do the work myself, or do I need to hire a contractor?
Any property owner may apply for permits as owner doing the work.  This means that the owner is taking responsibility for all work being completed and is subject to make any corrections if deemed necessary. Reference Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 18.27.090 for more information.
How do I schedule an inspection?

The most convenient way to schedule an inspection is through Inspections can be scheduled up to 2 weeks in advance and up until 6:00 am the morning of, when using the online method. Inspection requests can also be made by email at [email protected] or by phone 253-931-3090  Inspections are typically scheduled for the next business day, unless otherwise requested.  When scheduling by phone or email you’ll need to include: 

  1. Permit number
  2. Job site address
  3. Your name
  4. Phone number
  5. Type or description of inspection to be performed.
Does the City of Auburn issue electrical permits? Where do I get an electrical permit?
The City does not issue electrical permits or perform electrical inspections. Contact the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries at 206-635-1111 or check the L&I website.
Will an inspector call ahead before performing my inspection?
Typically the City’s Building Inspectors will not call an owner or contractor prior to arriving for a scheduled inspection.  However, you can submit an inspection request and provide any special instructions, such as a call prior to arrival, adding a community gate code, or other specialized instructions related to your property. Using you can confirm that your inspection is on the schedule and view all the inspections scheduled for the day.


Am I located in the City of Auburn?
Use this helpful address lookup tool to determine if you are. 
I need my parcel number. How do I find that?
Is this lot buildable?
The Planning Services department can help you determine whether development on a property is allowed. To get started contact Planning Services at [email protected] with the parcel number. If the property is vacant the parcel number is going to be the best way to locate the property. Don’t know the parcel number? Use King County Parcel Viewer or Pierce County Public Mapping System.  If the property is buildable staff recommends that you participate in a pre-application meeting. A pre-application meeting provides an early opportunity to identify applicable codes and regulations, potential major issues, and discuss the City’s review processes. The fee for a pre-application is listed in the City’s current fee schedule which is provided on the City of Auburn’s Forms web page. 
Is my lot subdividable (or can I build another house)?
The Planning Services department can help you determine whether it is permissible to subdivide your property. To get started contact Planning Services at [email protected] with the parcel number. If the property is vacant the parcel number is going to be the best way to locate the property. Don’t know the parcel number? Use King County Parcel Viewer or Pierce County Public Mapping System.  If the property is subdividable staff recommends that you participate in a pre-application meeting. A pre-application meeting provides an early opportunity to identify applicable codes and regulations, potential major issues, and discuss the City’s review processes. The fee for a pre-application is listed in the City’s current Fee Schedule which is provided on the City of Auburn’s Forms web page. The fee can be re-purposed towards permits for the proposed project, if you decide to proceed. 
Can I park semi-truck trailers and tractors on this lot?
A zoning code interpretation (City File No. MIS16-0026) was issued on December 7, 2016 stating that standalone commercial vehicle storage consisting of semi-truck tractors and/or semi-trailers is permitted in the M-1, Light Industrial and M-2, Heavy Industrial zoning districts. A stand alone commercial vehicle storage location can only be established after demonstrating conformance with all adopted development and engineering standards and obtaining all applicable permits and licenses. If you have found a property, you can check the zoning district on the City’s public mapping system or contact Planning Services at [email protected]. If the you have located a property in the M-1 or M-2 zone that may be suitable for your proposed use, staff recommends that you participate in a pre-application meeting. A pre-application meeting provides an early opportunity to identify applicable codes and regulations, potential major issues, and discuss the City’s review processes. The fee for a pre-application is listed in the City’s fee schedule which is provided on the City of Auburn’s Forms web page.
Can I build an accessory dwelling unit?
The City’s accessory dwelling unit standard are contained in City Code: Auburn City Code 18.31.120.
Can I use or is gravel parking allowed?
The Planning Services department can help you determine whether gravel parking is allowed. To get started contact Planning Services at [email protected] with the parcel number. Don’t know the parcel number? Use King County Parcel Viewer or Pierce County Public Mapping System.
What is my property zoned?
You can find your property’s Zoning designation through the City’s Zoning Map.  This map has many function, but once the Zoning layer is turned on you can determine your property’s designation.
Is gravel parking allowed?
The Planning Services department can help you determine whether gravel parking is allowed. To get started contact Planning Services at [email protected] with the parcel number. Don’t know the parcel number? Use King County Parcel Viewer or Pierce County Public Mapping System.
Can I operate a business from my home?
The city allows certain businesses to be operated from a dwelling or an accessory building to a dwelling under strict standards to ensure that the business remains compatible with the residential purpose of the neighborhood.  In general, these “home occupations” must meet 13 criteria in order to be authorized by the city.  There are certain other types of businesses that meet only 11 or 12 of the criteria and can be allowed after a public hearing process to authorize.  These criteria are contained in Auburn City Code (ACC) 18.60.020. There are certain businesses such as automotive repair, auto body work and services, and heavy equipment repair and maintenance that are not allowed as a home occupation. All home occupations are required to have a business license issued by the city prior to starting operations.  For questions or more information, please contact Planning Services at [email protected]
Can I live in my RV/travel trailer on my property?
Auburn City Code 18.46A.050(H) addresses the timeframes that this would be allowed on a residential property.  Otherwise, this is only allowed if it occurs in conjunction with an active Building Permit for a home.
What are the hours construction is allowed in the City of Auburn?
Noise, including construction related noise is regulated by Auburn City Code 8.28.010.  While the code does have specific hours prohibiting construction related activity “overnight” there are allowances for some permits depending on the Community Development Director’s approval.


Does the City provide funding for non-profit agencies?
Yes, Human Services provides funding for non-profit agencies. Please visit the Resources for Service Provides webpage for more information. 
Does the City help with rental assistance?
The City does not provide direct rental assistance but we have contracts with agencies that do. View related information...
Does the City of Auburn provide housing repair?
Yes, the Auburn Housing Repair program provides free home repairs for low income homeowners within the city limits of Auburn. For more information check out the Housing Repair Program page
Does the city offer any neighborhood programs?
Need information for Community help and resources?
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