Building in the FEMA Floodplain
Development and redevelopment within the FEMA regulated floodplain requires a Floodplain Development Permit with the City and is subject to the requirements of ACC 15.68. Please refer to the Floodplain Development Handout (PDF) for instructions on applying for a permit. Contact the Development Engineering team at [email protected] or 253-931-3090, selection option 6, for more information on developing within the FEMA regulated floodplain.
Emergency Management of Floods and Flood Hazards
Emergency management of flood hazards and during flooding events is managed by the Emergency Management Division. The City responds to flooding events using the guidelines of the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (PDF), and the City’s supplement to the King County plan the Hazard Mitigation Plan Annex (PDF). Information on evacuations and sheltering during flooding events can be found in the City’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) (PDF). Questions on the City’s emergency management plan and responding to flooding events can be directed to the Emergency Management Division at 253-876-1925.
Additional information including flood warnings, alerts, and road closures can be found on the King County Flooding Services webpage.
Real-Time River Gage Information
Current information regarding flood conditions for the Green and White Rivers can be found at the links provided below:
FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and City of Auburn Floodplain Map
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has updated the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for areas in the City of Auburn. The updated FIRMs and FIS became effective on August 19, 2020. Please refer to the current FIRMs and FIS for all new development and redevelopment in the City of Auburn.
The 2020 FIS for King County is available at the following links:
The 2020 FIRMs are available directly from FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center.
The 2020 FIRM panels for the City of Auburn are also available from the City’s Department of Community Development. Please contact the Development Engineering Team at [email protected] or 253-931-3020 to get the 2020 FIRM for your property.
View the City of Auburn Regulatory Floodplain Map (PDF)
City of Auburn Floodplain Administrator:
Jason Krum
[email protected]
Elevation Certificates
The City of Auburn is required to retain FEMA elevation certificates for properties located within the city. Elevation certificates that are on file with the City are available as PDF documents at the links below. Please email new elevation certificates to [email protected].
Community Rating System
The City of Auburn participates in the FEMA Community Rating System (CRS) to assist in reducing the flood insurance rates of developed properties in the regulated floodplain. Recent CRS audits for the City are available at the following links: