The City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation department operates a community garden for lease and use each year. Planting begins the first weekend in April. Call 253-931-3043 to reserve your garden plot.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration for Returning Gardeners for the new season is through January 31 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Returning gardeners may only register for their EXACT gardens from previous year. Returning gardeners may register for new gardens beginning on February 1.
Open registration begins on March 1. Applications for new gardeners will not be accepted before March 1. A waiting list is not kept for those seeking gardens.
- 8th Street Gardens (1030 8th St NE)
- 10' x 20' Patches
Fee: $55 Auburn resident, $63 Non-resident, Price includes $25 refundable cleanup deposit
- To reserve garden plot call 253-931-3043 or in-person at the Auburn Community & Events Center, 910 9th ST SE, Auburn.
- 8th Street Garden Plot Map (PDF)
Basic Guidelines (detailed guidelines are listed on application form):
- New gardeners are able to start signing up for garden plots beginning the first Monday in March.
- There is a limit of two (2) Community Gardens per applicant.
- The City will process the applications, assign the Community Gardens, provide water to the site, and work with the King County Extension Service to provide gardener information.
- The City will be rototilling Community Gardens(Seasonal Plots 32-101), this happens sometime in March. Gardeners are responsible for cultivating, weeding, watering, and other care of their Community Gardens. Community Garden Rules (PDF).
- Gardener will be eligible for $25 refund if they complete 4 hours of volunteer time per plot and clean out their plot(s) by the last weekend in October. Volunteer time is something that is not done in your own garden plot.
- We are emphasizing "green" or chemical free gardening. View Guide (PDF).
- Gardeners are encouraged to donate extra produce to the Auburn Food Bank at 930 18th Pl. NE or call 253-833-8925. For assistance in picking vegetables for, or delivering them to the Auburn Food Bank, call the Auburn Youth Council at 253-804-5052.
For more information, contact the City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation at 253-931-3043 or [email protected].