Auburn's Comprehensive Plan is the leading policy document that guides the City's evolution and growth over a 20-year period. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the desired type, configuration, and intensity of land uses throughout the city, as well as the character and capacity of public facilities and services like streets and utilities. Its policies address critical topics such as housing, the environment, transportation, public safety, and economic development. The Comprehensive Plan also serves as the basis for the City's adoption of special purpose plans for the city such as transportation or utilities plans and serves as the basis for development standards and regulations such as City zoning and critical area regulations.
More information on the 2024 Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update can be found on the City of Auburn - 2024 Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update | Speak Up Auburn webpage.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
Just as the City is dynamic, the Comprehensive Plan is not a static document. Adjustments to the plan, policies and maps will need to occur over time. Comprehensive plan element policies and components required by the Growth Management Act (GMA) are integrated throughout the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan must also be consistent with Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2050 Policies, the King County Countywide Planning Policies, and the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies.
The most recent major update to the Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council on December 16, 2024, see Ordinance No. 6960. Completion of the updated Comprehensive Plan followed more than a year of public outreach and participation that began in early 2022.
Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Process
As required by state and city law, the Comprehensive Plan may only be amended (or modified), once per calendar year except in certain limited circumstances. The City establishes a submittal deadline so that all amendments can be considered at the same time. Amendments may be proposed by the City or private citizens. With the help of the residents, business, and the City of Auburn Planning Commission (a volunteer advisory board appointed by the City Council), amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are prepared annually for City Council consideration and potential adoption.
2025 Annual Amendment Application Process:
Those interested in submitting a comprehensive plan or land use map amendment application for consideration during the annual amendment cycle are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the Planning staff of the Department of Community Development. The deadline to apply is June 13, 2025. Early coordination and submittal of perspective amendment applications is recommended. Applications received may be processed as part of this year’s amendment cycle or docketed and deferred for consideration. You may obtain an application for text or map amendment of the Comprehensive Plan from the City's Forms page. Please review the process and decision criteria for amendments to the comprehensive plan or land use map contained in Chapter 14.22 Auburn City Code.
2024 Adopted Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is comprised of the following components:
- A central "Core Plan" that provides a broad vision for Auburn in 2030; followed by
- Nine (9) Volumes or Elements that help carry out the vision for Auburn on specific subject areas; and
- Twelve (12) Appendices that provide statutory rules or background analysis and data.
Note the items in italics will be added once the items are finalized. They can be accessed under the Ordinance No. 6960 Packet provided on the City of Auburn - 2024 Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update | Speak Up Auburn webpage.
View Printable Comprehensive Plan by Volume
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