1487 22nd St. NE
1.78 acres
Dykstra Park is a small, attractive neighborhood neighborhood park along the Green River. It links to Isaac Evans Park via a suspension bridge over the Green River. It is a popular area with both walkers and wildlife lovers with its majestic trees, including holly and southern magnolia.
In April 2015, a KaBOOM! Playful City USA grant allowed us to install new play equipment at this park. Here's a time lapse of the volunteers building the new park!
Park Features:
- Picnic Table
- Barbecue Grill
- Play Structure
- Footbridge over Green River to Isaac Evens Park
- Adjacent to Green River

Park History
Dykstra park is named for Henry Dykstra, eldest son of early pioneer, Peter H Dykstra, who emigrated from the Netherlands to Michigan in 1888 and relocated to the Puget Sound in 1895. During the Yukon Gold Rush Peter sold milk in Dawson and throughout the territory. In 1908 he purchased a 94-acre hop farm, a part of the Brannan Donation Claim, north of Auburn. Henry Dykstra, following graduation from Washington State College, began dairy farming on the property which he named Maple Water Farm, and established a herd of registered Holstein dairy cattle under the Maple Water name. Henry presided over several dairy organizations and was highly regarded in the agricultural industry statewide, throughout the Pacific Northwest and Nationally. The property was sold and developed for residential use in 1967. The park, dedicated in 1979, is located on two acres of the Dykstra's former farm.

Driving Directions
1487 22nd St. NE
From I-5 or Hwy 167, take the Hwy 18 East. Take the Auburn-Enumclaw Exit. At the end of the ramp, turn right onto Auburn Way South. Continue north on Auburn Way for 2 miles. Turn right onto 22nd Street SE. Follow 22nd Street SE through two stop signs. The park is on the left.