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Crime Prevention

To request a security assessment for your business please use the Business Security Assessment Form.  

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) can be achieved through better lighting, trimming overgrown bushes and shrubs, increased "natural surveillance" and an overall appearance of an "actively managed" property. An officer trained in CPTED principles will come to your property and conduct a CPTED survey. The dividends CPTED pay, for very little investment, are remarkable. A property that looks well cared for and maintained, in addition to the obvious benefit of being more valuable overall, is a natural draw to more desirable tenants. At the same time, it sends a clear message to criminals that the owners and residents take pride in the property. Call 253-931-3063 to set an appointment to have your property inspected. 
View more information about CPTED.

Multi-family Housing Manager Training

The  Multi-family Housing Manager Training program is a three-step program for rental properties. The goal is for property managers/owners to participate in all three steps to reach certification. The first step is the Landlord Training Program, the second is "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" (CPTED) and the third step is starting a Block Watch program for your property. Call 253-931-3063 to find out how to get certified.

Crime Prevention Resources and Events

A very important aspect of the department's Community Policing philosophy is the sharing of crime prevention information and resources with the Citizens it serves. Police Department volunteers can be found at many community events in Auburn where they share the many free resources the department has to offer. Call 253-804-3106, and press Option 1 or call 253-288-3147 and leave a message to invite Police Department volunteers to attend your event.

Don't Be A Target

Block Watch

Block Watch is a neighborhood based crime prevention program. It is designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime in residential areas. The Police Department promotes the program and will assist any community residents who want to start a Block Watch in their neighborhood. While the police department supports the program, the program is dependent on neighbors to be successful.

Why Start a Block Watch?

The program helps to build a sense of community, connect neighbors, and prevent crime. Block Watch is a neighbors-helping-neighbors program, which takes very little time, and no money. Residents are trained to recognize and report suspicious activities around their own and their neighbors' homes.

Part One: Getting to Know Your Neighbors

To form a Block Watch, a Captain and Co-Captains are elected by their neighborhood to serve as a liaison with the police. Captains are responsible for sharing crime prevention information with their neighbors, as it becomes available, inviting new neighbors to join the program and keeping in touch with the Auburn Police Department. We encourage at least one neighborhood gathering per year. Plan an event such as a potluck picnic, or ice cream social to bring the neighbors together.

Part Two: Improving Physical Security of the Home

Block Watch members are provided information on home security and can improve the security of their homes as they see fit and can afford.

Here is a downloadable Crime Prevention Booklet (PDF) created by Auburn Police Department that outlines strategies for keeping your home and neighborhood safe.

How do I get Block watch started?

  1. Ask your neighbors if they want to start a Block Watch:
    • Decide how large your Block Watch neighborhood is? The decision is yours, 8 homes, 15 homes, 30 homes...
    • create a list of interested individuals
  2. Designate a Block Watch Captain and Co-Captain to act as the points of contact between your group and the Auburn Police Department.
  3. Have a meeting with all of your neighbors who are participating in your Block Watch and share what you learned at the Quarterly Meeting.
  4. Now that you have had 2 meetings, submit a map of your neighborhood and the names of your Block Watch Captain and Co-Captain to Officer Aaron Williams email.
    • Once you have had 2 meetings and submit your information, you are eligible to request installation of Neighborhood Watch signs in your area. Just let Officer Williams know if you'd like the signs.
  5. Continue connecting with the Department and your neighbors. Host regular meetings and neighborhood events to make sure you and your neighbors keep your program active. 

Community Policing

Community policing recognizes a shared responsibility between the police and Citizens in making Auburn a safer, more livable city. Officers are assigned to work in neighborhoods which allows them to become familiar with the people and concerns in their assigned areas. Additionally, officers may meet with neighborhood groups, community organizations or individuals to discuss mutual concerns and develop custom-made responses to a neighborhood's specific problems. The response is geared toward solving the underlying causes of crime in the neighborhood by involving the residents as well as the most appropriate agencies and resources.

Remember: All crime reports and emergencies are handled through calling 911.