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Artist in Residence

Image of an artist at work

2023 Artist in Residence - Allyce Wood

The Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence program began in the summer of 2018. The City of Auburn program offers the opportunity for an artist to pursue their work in, and to be inspired by, the unique and beautiful setting of the Mary Olson Farm in Auburn, Washington. The residency lasts two months, providing the artist with a large indoor barn studio, a stipend, and access to the 67 acre farm.

A variety of public programming opportunities are planned in conjunction with the Artist Residency that are free and open to the public. Currently in the sixth year of the program, the City of Auburn has welcomed some very talented artists for the unique artist opportunity.

2025 Artist in Residence Application: 

To apply for future Artist in Residence and other art opportunities with the City of Auburn, visit our Call to Artists page.

For more information about the Mary Olson Farm, please visit the White River Valley Museum website

4 Culture LogoThis art program is coordinated in partnership between the City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department and the White River Valley Museum, with the support of the Auburn Arts Commission and 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax Fund.